Specialist Transformer Manufacturers Supplying Electrical Companies Worldwide
Contact us: +64 3 3488500 | sales@transformer.co.nz
Specialist Transformer Manufacturers Supplying Electrical Companies Worldwide

Power Transformers up to 500 kVA

Metering Units up to 36 kV

LV/HV Current Transformers up to 36kV
The Energy Controls Group comprises of three companies, TWS Energy Controls, WF Energy Controls and Circle C Transformers within Australasia that collectively specialise in the design, build and customisation of LV/MV transformers since 1910.
Our head office is based in Christchurch New Zealand and our test labs are located at our manufacturing facilities in both Australia and New Zealand. They are certified to NATA & IANZ and are signatories to the ILAC mutual recognition arrangement.
Our product portfolio includes:
✤ Current Transformers up to 36kV
✤ Voltage Transformers up to 36kV
✤ Power Factor Chokes up to 100kVAr systems
✤ Time Switches
✤ Metering Units up to 36kV
✤ Power Transformers up to 150 kVA 11kV
✤ Transformer MDI/Monitoring
✤ AC Reactors/Chokes up to 11kV
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