Intelligent Ice Detection System with warning lights is designed for protecting people and property. The system warns people for icing conditions at an early stage.
The system consists of the following units: Labkotec base station, LID-3300IP with protection package Surge SG and three ground level sub
stations.LID-3300IP is the core of this system. The LID-3300IP control unit is installed in a small enclosure containing surge protectors against lightning strike transients and galvanic isolation for the analog output. When LID-3300IP detects the icing condition, it gives an ice alarm by changing the state of the ice alarm relay.
The base station wirelessly transmits the relay status with Satel radio modems to substations. The substations control the LED strobe light based on LID-3300IP relay status.
The system consists of the following units:
Labkotec base station, LID-3300IP with protection package Surge SG and three ground level substations.
Warning light substation.
The protection package Surge SG.

Warning light units
Warning light units have Satel radio modems, which makes possible to create a wireless intelligent MESH network.

The warning light cabinets include a heating element of 45 W and a thermostat that maintain the system operational even in cold conditions.
Satel radio modems are available in three different frequency ranges 2,4 GHz, 869 MHz and 900 MHz. They can build a MESH network of up to 250 devices.
Satel radio modems enable pointing to multipoint connections. The MESH network enables redundant data transmission between base and substations.