Carter Process Control GmbH offers superior quality replacement parts for control valves. These parts are engineered to provide outstanding performance and extended service life.
We guarantee that our replacement/re-engineered parts meet or exceed the quality of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and are interchangeable in form, fit and function.
Why Choose CPC Replacement Parts?
ISO Certified
Fast Response
Over 30 Years
Low Cost
CPC provides like for like replacement parts of the CCI and BTG brands or can provide a full engineering upgrade to provide a better solution to your severe service control valve needs.
“Fast Deliveries and Low Cost Control Valve Parts”
ISO Certified
Every CPC part is manufactured in ISO certified facilities and backed by a full 12 months International warranty.
Fast Response
Our unique methods and in house design, engineering and innovative programs allow for rapid turnaround of normally long lead items.
Over 30 Years
with more than 30 years experience in the control valve market our technical knowledge is a major factor to our continued success.
Low Cost
Our unique methods and simplified organisation allow for massive cost savings to be passed directly to our customers.
CPC holds inventory of all soft goods for valves and actuators of CCI/BTG valves ready for immediate dispatch. In addition to the soft goods CPC also holds in stock all sizes of the OP Nozzles.