As a solution provider for Coal and Biomass Fired Boilers, PROMECON puts at your disposal different systems to control your process properly by ensuring accuracy in the following measurements:
- Mass-flow rate in coal & biomass combustion
- Air flow in dust and laden gases
- Content of unburnt carbon UBC
- Process temperature changes
Our worldwide unique measurement system McON Air is your ideal way to improve boiler efficiencies. The outcome is a reliable and drift-free online measurement to balance airflow and reduce boiler excess air which results in improved heat-rate\efficiency, auxiliary power savings, reductions in NOx and CO².
On the other hand, MECONTROL Coal, monitors minimum velocity while measuring the mass-flow rate. It detects fuel pulsations\layout and used to balance fuel flow to the burners. Moreover, it is drift and maintenance-free.
Our technologies are implemented in various plants around the world. We are here to assist you in finding out the right measurement, control, and optimization tools for your combustion system.
process measurement control GmbH
Tel: +49 (0)39203 512-212
Steinfeldstr. 5
39179 Barleben
Solutions for coal and biomass fired biolers
Visit our website for more information about our products and references