Buyer's Guides

Buyer’s Guides act as a downloadable directory for industry buyers actively searching for a product or service. Our Buyer's Guides contain detailed information on the suppliers and their product lines, alongside contact details to aid your purchasing decision.
Transformers and inductors are essential for safe electric power conversion and successful delivery of electricity to substations and end users.
Power plant operators and electricity transmission and distribution companies require a broad range of tailor-made and high-performance cable and connector solutions to ensure safe, consistent, and efficient flow of electricity.
Adequate policy support, ambitious deployment targets, concerns about climate change, and the need for energy security are some of the major factors determining the deployment of solar PV modules. These factors are complemented by the rapid fall in technology prices, besides innovative business models, which facilitate the wide acceptance and adoption of the technology. In comparison to other renewable technologies, solar is more mature and forms a viable option for clean power generation.
The major factors behind the growth of the global wind turbine market include renewable energy auctions, growing concerns about the environment, increasing global demand for electricity, favourable government policies, feed-in tariffs (FiTs) and other financial incentives, turbines with increased efficiency, and declining operation and maintenance costs.
The growing demand for electricity, climate change concerns, and technology development are some of the major factors influencing the steam turbine market. Evolving manufacturing practices are contributing to the fabrication of new thermal-based power generation systems with reduced environmental pollution to enhance market acceptance.
Hydropower is one of the most widely used power-generating sources. Even though fossil fuels dominate electricity generation across the world, more than 60 countries use hydropower to meet the majority of their electricity needs.
The growing demand for electricity, climate change concerns, and technology development are some of the major factors influencing the gas turbine market. Evolving manufacturing practices are contributing to the fabrication of new thermal-based power generation systems with reduced environmental pollution to enhance market acceptance.
With growing concerns over emissions from coal-fired power plants, countries across the world are aiming to reduce dependence on coal and switch to renewable resources and natural gas for power generation in order to achieve climate targets and reduce carbon emissions. Governments around the globe are also implementing strict regulations to meet this requirement.
Longevity and smooth operations. Power plants vary in their mode of operation, structure and size, and therefore need diverse cleaning systems and solutions.
Cloud computing can help extend the life of existing infrastructure by facilitating predictive maintenance while supporting the integration of new technologies such as the smart grid, DERs, and EVs.
Digitalisation has been a theme that has been heavily adopted in the power sector in recent years. Consequently, the importance of cybersecurity in the power sector has commensurately increased with the adoption of more and more digital devices.
Electricity trading, smart grids, and asset management represent primary growth areas for the internet of things (IoT) in the energy sector, with power generation, transmission, and distribution as the key areas of IoT implementation. This revolution is needed to mitigate the impact of the power sector on the environment.
Robotics is now becoming an increasingly crucial tool in the energy and utilities segment for keeping their operations functional and optimised, especially during events such as the Covid-19 pandemic, when remote monitoring of power infrastructure with minimal operators on-site was made possible with the help of robots and drones.
Managing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues is critical for power companies. Not only are investors, customers, and other stakeholders demanding lower carbon emissions, but companies that are not taking a holistic approach to sustainability will also fall behind.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an umbrella term for various software-based systems that use data inputs to make decisions on their own. There are strong use cases of AI in the energy sector. Many activities, from asset optimisation to customer segmentation, can be enhanced by AI.
Power electronics encompasses the conversion and control of electric power. It combines the processing of high voltages and currents for power generation and distribution together with distortionless production, transmission and reception of data and signals.
Thermoelectric facilities comprise about 75% of the world’s power plants. Water cooling protects equipment and increases overall power production efficiency.
Alignment and balancing of power generation equipment is essential to reduce vibrations, avoid damage to machinery parts and minimise power losses. Balancing and alignment machines used in power generation applications improve accuracy and reduce balancing time for gas turbines, steam turbines generators, and other motor rotors and components.
Hydraulics and electromechanical equipment are critical components in complex hydroelectric power plants.
Utility companies around the world are facing increased pressure to stay competitive amid customers demanding greater value, rapidly developing regulations, a shifting energy landscape focused on sustainability, and the growing threat of climate change.