Sponsored by Boehmer
Company Insight
Ball valves only, but done the right way
From its foundation in 1956 until today, Böhmer has delivered hundreds of thousands of valves to its customers. Unlike many other companies in the industry, Böhmer has focused on one product - the ball valve. The portfolio is nevertheless more than impressive: The application-optimized valves in the nominal sizes from DN 3 (1/8 ") to DN 1400 (56") are available in around 100,000 different designs.
öhmer is one of the few manufacturers to produce both bolted and fully welded ball valves and to serve a very wide range of applications. The product portfolio includes shut-off valves used in the energy industry as well as in the oil and gas industry. Böhmer is known worldwide for the reliability of its products and supplies valves for above-ground and underground pipelines, as well as for undersea pipelines. We are proud to be part of the group of the few manufacturers that are API 6DSS certified.
Whether it is gaseous, liquid or solid media extreme demands are met by sturdy designs with highly resistant materials. Böhmer proves the absolute suitability of its ball valves by applying all testing and certification procedures required and common throughout the industry. It is no coincidence that products from Böhmer are often cited as a reference.
To maintain this status, we continuously invest in modernization and innovation. New materials, designs and procedures are developed and extensively tested. Top priority is always ensuring safety and reliability over the entire service life.
In our production facilities we have one of the most modern machinery in the industry. Nevertheless, we are convinced that the experience and motivation of our employees is the ultimate key to the high quality of our product. Therefore we are extremely proud of the highly experienced teams in all departments of our company.
Currently, Böhmer produces at two locations in Germany and also serves the Asian market from its plants in Kazakhstan and China.
As international as our company is set up, so are our projects: All over the world our ball valves serve as shut-off units: For example in gas storage facilities, in hydraulic and pneumatic systems, in power plants or in transmission pipelines transporting oil and gas. Böhmer is also well known for its solutions for district heating networks.
Flexibility with system
Böhmer has a wide product range; thanks to over 60 years of experience we already have a tried and tested solution for most applications.
We are proud of our ability to deliver tailor made products to our customers in the shortest possible time.
The foundation for the success is the intensive consultation by our employees throughout the globe. Together with our customers, our experts define an application profile which is the basis for choosing the materials, components and the right type of seal (purely metal seated, PMSS or soft seated).
Design features such as Double Block and Bleed, Single and Double Piston, fire safe design, sealant injection or additional bypass lines are just a few of the ways to customize the ball valve perfectly to the conditions of use required.
Our established modular system enables short and flexible production times. It contains the components for the ball valves in all conceivable nominal widths, pressures and temperatures. The universally applicable components are kept available in the company's warehouses. The computer-aided warehouse management ensures that there are never bottlenecks.
Böhmer is always aware of its responsibility and acts accordingly. Due to their extreme operational safety, our products protect life and the environment. In addition, they enable considerable cost savings by reducing maintenance and repair costs. Customers also benefit from the fact that our ball valves simplify certain processes for which otherwise much more complex solutions were needed before. More and more customers are realizing that higher investment in quality products pay off by significantly lower operating and maintenance costs.
In this way, Böhmer has earned the trust of its customers all over the world. Then as now, the absolute corporate focus is on uncompromised reliability: Anyone who chooses our valves can rely on their quality over the entire service life.

Branch - Hattingen

Mainfactory - Sprockhoevel

Mainfactory - Sprockhoevel

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Contact Information
Parker Sales UK
Böhmer GmbH
Gedulderweg 95,
45549 Sprockhövel
+49 2324 7001 0
+49 2324 7001 79
Email: boehmer@boehmer.de
Web: www.boehmer.de
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